Andelyn Biosciences
United States
Member Since:Jan 17, 2024
Number of Offices:N/A
Total Employees:N/A
Established In:N/A
Andelyn Biosciences is a biopharmaceutical CDMO Pioneering Solutions That Turn Hope into Reality™. With 20+ years of experience manufacturing viral vectors, Andelyn's scientific expertise for development and characterization has led to GMP material being produced for over 75+ worldwide clinical trials and 400+ cGMP clinical batches. Advanced quality systems, full regulatory support, and supply chain vertical integration help accelerate the development and manufacturing of innovative therapies to bring more treatments to more patients. The name "Andelyn" is a hybrid of two gene therapy pioneers who participated in pivotal Phase I clinical trials at Nationwide Children's Hospital. Andrew received the first U.S. investigational gene therapy for Duchenne muscular dystrophy in 2006. Evelyn received experimental gene therapy for spinal muscular atrophy in 2015. "Andelyn" combines their names, representing all the families who have courageously participated in the research that make today's gene therapies possible. Continuing Andelyn's patient-based mission, the company is opening two state-of-the-art commercial manufacturing and development sites. The Dublin-based Andelyn Development Center is set to open in May 2022 and will house Andelyn's preclinical and development services. The 185,000 square foot Andelyn Corporate Center located on The Ohio State University's Innovation District will open for production in mid-2022.
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